We would like to thank our panelists and all attendees for joining us during last week’s webinar on responsible iGaming advertising in the regulated German market.
You can view the webinar in its entirety here:
Panelists & panelist questions The Gaming in Germany webinar featured the following panelists:
Dr Andreas Blaue, General Counsel at Constantin Medien AG / CEO Magic Sports Media GmbH
Frank Hesse, Gaming & Marketing Consultant
Maarten Haijer, Secretary General of the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) In addition, Dr Jörg Hofmann, Group Leader of the Gaming & Betting Law Practice Group of Melchers Law Firm, provided an introduction on the legal and regulatory aspects of the current and future advertising framework.
During the webinar, our panelists addressed the following questions:
What is currently possible with regard to media advertising? Who can advertise? Under what conditions? What are the regulatory risks?
What will change when the Fourth State Gambling Treaty comes into force on July 1, 2021? What will be the impact of the restrictions on multi-product offerings on advertising regulations?
What does the current advertising landscape look like? From an operator’s perspective, what channels are particularly effective? What are the challenges?
What is going to change after July 1, 2021? What new marketing opportunities does the new State Treaty bring?
The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) recently issued the first Pan-European Code for Responsible Advertising for Online Gambling. How does this Code relate to both the current and newly proposed German advertising regulations?
What can the industry do to keep advertising sustainable and to avoid a public backlash as in e.g. Italy and Spain? [3 minutes]
Poll results
Webinar attendees were invited to participate in a poll, the results of which you will find below.
Audience Q&A Webinar attendees were able to submit questions to our panelists. A selection of these questions and answers is included below. Q: Has the final explanatory memorandum to the 2021 treaty been published already? A: While the contents are known, the document has not been made publicly available. Q: Any news on regulation of federal advertising for Schleswig-Holstein licenses? A: There are currently no obstacles to continue with nation-wide advertising. The new treaty, however, will introduce new national advertising rules that come into force before the current Schleswig-Holstein licenses expire. Q: Can we expect broadcasters to place a limit on the amount of gambling advertising they show? A: As the marketing rules are already quite strict, no additional self-regulation is expected. Q: What will the new regulations mean for affiliate marketing? A: Affiliate marketing based on a revenue sharing model will not be permitted. Q: What are the restrictions on the advertisement of live bets during an event? A: Ads promoting bets on a particular sporting event are not allowed immediately before or during the live broadcast of said event. About Gaming in Germany Gaming in Germany aims to be the #1 resource for corporate decision makers, policy officers, and third-party professionals whose work will be impacted by the full regulation of online gambling in Germany.
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